A lot of smoke when using induction stove with any recipe with oil


I recently switched from gas stove to induction. I tried some recipes I could do well with the old stove. Most of them have oil at high heat. However, when switching to induction stove, any time I tried with oil, there always be a lot of smoke coming from the meat. The bottom is usually burnt while the top is not cooked yet.

I usually set the temperature to 150-200oC and put oil in immediately. Any advice what I should do? Currently I can only cook soup recipes with the induction stove.

EDIT: Sorry I forgot about the oil. I usually use olive oil, but once I tried vegetable and sesame oil too. Still a lot of smoke.

Best Answer

What kind of oil you're using would be helpful but, really, the answer is, whatever temperature it is you set it at, it's too hot.

Turn the temperature down.

The temperature gauges shouldn't necessarily be trusted to give you a perfect temperature reading. You can use an infrared thermometer to test it but your result tells everything, really.

If your gas stove was underpowered "high" heat may not have really been that high and the induction stove is probably stronger, so you're overheating your pan.

Since you added your oil usage:

Olive oil is a very low smoke point oil (325-375°F/165-190°C), so it should never be heated so much. Some sesame oils are also pretty low (350-410°F/175-210°C), depending.

Vegetable oil (400-450°F/205-230°C) is much better. Soybean or peanut are even higher (450°F/230°C).