Anti-Coagulant for Oat Milk


I am trying to make my own oat milk, primarily for use with coffee (Lattes/Cappucino's etc), so I am trying my best to mimic the results of oatly barista edition, which is not available to buy here in South Africa. The main problem I am having is that although the oat milk is fine when cold, when heating (i.e. steaming), it becomes thick and gloopy. Oatly use Dipotassium phosphate to stop the milk from coagulating when heated, but this doesn't seem to be readily available in shops/online (at least, not in South Africa).

Does anyone know of an alternative that I could use?

The recipe I am using is as follows:


  • 1 Cup Steel Cut Oats
  • 3 Cups Water
  • 80ml Rapeseed Oil


  • Blend steel cut oats and the water for 3 minutes in a high speed blender.
  • Extract milk with a nut-milk bag and discard oat pulp
  • Blend milk with rapeseed oil and a pinch of salt

Best Answer

Heating oatmilk basically works on the same principle as heating any other thing with starch like a roux or thickening soup/gravy with cornstarch.

To get less thickening, add less starch i.e. less oats content per liter of water. To compensate for lack of flavor blend it with any other type of plant based milk, like soymilk (protein-based) or cashew milk(protein+fat based), or anything which is not primarily starch based. It will add nutritional value, compensate for watered down flavors (due to less oats and more water) and will not thicken upon heating.

The only other way is to use chemical additives.