Baking – Could plastic or metal cans damage the oven


Is it possible to put vinyl plastic and metal cans in the oven at 200 degrees F for roughly 5-10 minutes?

More specifically, I was came across DIY Vinyl Bowls where you place the vinyl record over a metal can for 5-10 minutes in the oven, it should become really flimsy and then take it out to form it into a bowl.

I can easily watch over the oven for the time duration but I'm mostly concerned that there would be some sort of plastic explosion or something that might break the oven.

Thank you!

Best Answer

You are taking me way back here. Back in my teens I used to do this as a fun project - I used Plexiglass (acrylic glass) instead of old vinyl records (people still used record players back then!), but the principle stays the same.

No, your oven won't suffer if you are careful.

  • The metal can / bowl / heat-proof object underneath must be something that can withstand the heat. Yet 200F isn't that hot.
  • Always put a sheet of parchment or foil between your tray/rack and the can/vinyl setup.
  • Watch carefully. As soon as it shows signs of drooping / bending, take it out. You may always put your future bowl back in the oven to heat it more.
  • It might stink, so make sure you have a window open and air out the oven afterwards.
    Do not try to bake cookies and this at the same time ;-)