Pancakes – Are Eggs in Pancakes a Health Hazard?


I want to make pancakes. I have a powder mix that needs only milk to be ready.
However there is a note on the powder mix's box that says I can add an egg to the mix as well.

How safe is that? Are pancakes cooked enough to avoid risk of salmonella?

Best Answer

Eggs are completely safe in cooked food, and pancakes are cooked. Pancakes made from scratch have egg in the batter too. As long as you don't drink the batter, or more realistically, leave an uncooked bit in the middle of the pancakes, you're totally safe.

(And of course, it doesn't take much to kill salmonella, and a mL of uncooked batter right in the middle of a pancake has ridiculously small odds of getting you sick even if it's somehow still cold, but if you're trying to play by all the rules, then you should make sure they're fully cooked - you probably want that anyway.)