Baking – Flour/Instant Dry Yeast Ratio in Thin Pizza Dough


I researched this question before asking, but I could not find a clear information. I'm sorry if I missed it.

I want to make pizza from a leavened dough. I will use instant dry yeast. There are lots of pizza recipes. Is there a ratio for flour / yeast when making pizza dough? Of course, this will vary according to the type of flour. We can talk about bread flour.For example, X grams of instant yeast is used for each cup of flour.

Some sources say that you can use instant yeast up to 0.5% of the amount of flour. Can we make such a generalization?

Best Answer

Pizza dough is basically a bread. So, like other bread formulas, can be developed and expressed using a bakers percentage. For a Napolitan pizza most pizzaiolos use .1 to .5 percent yeast. This is the percentage as compared to the total amount of flour (usually tipo "OO" for this style). So, your initial research is a good starting point. You will have to adjust for local conditions (and ingredients) from there. This might also help you. He makes use of fresh yeast, so that is likely why his percentage is on the lower end.