Baking – How is baking bread in a ceramic pan different from using a metal one


I just used my ceramic bread pans for the first time. The top crust was just like it used to be when I baked with those cheap metal pans with the stick-free surface that I'm wanting to avoid now to avoid toxicity. However, the sides and bottom of the loaf were very light colored and the loaf itself was a wee bit doughy towards the center.

Any tips for how to get an evenly cooked loaf? Change the temp up or down? Extend the baking time? Thanks for any help you can offer!

Best Answer

The difference is in the conductivity of the materials with the glass being less conductive than metal.

If the center isn't done...simply add more time. Worried about the top browning too much..cover with foil for the additional amount of time. OR cook at a slightly lower temperature for a longer time.

ALSO...check the temperature of your oven. Just because you set the dial to 350˚F doesn't mean that it is accurate! Buy a small oven thermometer and check the temperature. If it is off look at the instruction manual for your oven to see if you can calibrate the oven. If not...allow for the temperature difference by turning up (or down) the oven to get the proper temperature! (This is much cheaper than a service call.)