Baking – How to i optimize the use of the convection oven


Is there a resource i can use to learn how to bake in my convection oven? I know that it can improve the results greatly and i am just not understanding it. I know that you are supposed to bake at 25 degrees lower temp but it seems like all my baked goods seem to dry out or brown too quickly. I thought it was supposed to just bake things more evenly.

Best Answer

A convection oven has a fan that blows hot air around the items being baked. The air flow will draw moisture from the food. To stop the drying out, you could tent the baking items with aluminum foil but that has two drawbacks: you waste aluminum foil and lots of times you do want your baking items to lose moisture during baking. Another issue as you noticed, it messes up the browning (Maillard reaction) of the baking process. Where you place your item to be baked with a regular oven has a big effect as well as the container. The top of oven is hotter while the bottom of the oven is better for slow cooking. Place the dough in dark container for better browning. Convection ovens change all of those variables. I recommend that you use recipes tailored for that type of oven. If you are concerned about being energy efficient. Bake more than one thing at a time. That's what I do. I use multiple timers and the location in the oven to place the various items for a fantastic meal or bake.