Baking – How to make a lattice pie crust


I just made a lattice pie crust for the first time. The best I can say about it is that it wasn't a total disaster. So I would like to know what is the proper way to make it.

  1. How much dough do I actually need for one lattice (let's say for a 26 cm pan)?
  2. What crust thickness is optimal for the strips? (I had 3 mm, and it seemed a bit thin, they tore sometimes).
  3. How many strips do I need?
  4. What length should my strips be? Obviously, they should be longer than the finished lattice's size, because they weave over and under. But how much extra length do I need for that?
  5. Is there a good technique for weaving which helps me make an evenly weaved crust? I had lots of trouble managing the strips in the middle (widest) part.
  6. Once weaved, how do I keep the strips from moving around while I transfer the lattice to the fridge and to the pie?
  7. How do I attach the upper crust to the lower crust? My pinching didn't produce too good a result.
  8. (maybe part of the above) How do I make the edge of the pie aesthetically acceptable? Mine is one long lump.
  9. How do I prevent the liquid in the filling from squeezing through the crust holes and flooding the crust?
  10. (should probably have come first) Are denser or looser lattices easier to make?

I made a rather loose lattice, like this one:

loose pie crust

But I have seen much denser pie crusts too, like this one.

dense crust

I know this is a rather long question, if you people think it is better, I will split it into many small ones. Feedback welcome in the comments here or in chat.

Best Answer

There are two keys to this. First, work right on the pie and start in the middle. Second, fold strips back to make it easy to do the over/under.

enter image description here

This picture, from, is kind of the aha! moment for me. Fold half of the vertical strips back, lay a horizontal strip, unfold the folded strips and fold the ones that weren't, repeat.

Trim extra length from the strips, and use eggwash to glue them to the bottom part of the pie, where it comes up at the edges.

You'll have extra dough what with the trimmings and all - just use it to make a freeform gallete or the like. If you have no extra pie filling, use jam, or butter/brown sugar/raisins. Way less trouble than trying to make exactly the right amount of dough for the lattice.