Baking – How to make a sandwich bread with a very soft crust? And what is the ideal temperature to bake sandwich bread


I have to ask this question as I really tried hard to achieve a soft crust for sandwich bread but couldn't succeed. I have tried lots of techniques and different recipes but I really couldn't make a bread having a very soft crust that we get in supermarkets. And many recipes say to bake the sandwich bread at 200 degrees C and many other say 180 degrees C, but what is the ideal temperature to bake a sandwich bread with really soft crust? I know that crusty bread is good but many people, especially children don't like to have a crusty sandwich bread!

Best Answer

Use a Pullman loaf pan (aka Pain de Mie pan). You'll also get a square loaf great for sandwiches. Grilled cheese, anyone?

The lid inhibits a "crusty" crust on all sides, just like a regular loaf pan does on all sides but the top.



I use my 9" Pullman all the time. These are my two favorite, foolproof Pain de Mie recipes.

Honey Oat


I don't know that it's always the right temperature for soft crusts, but for those loaves, I always use 350F (175C).