Baking – How to replace sugar with golden syrup in a cookie recipe


I made Toll House Cookies using this recipe this recipe. They turned out fine, but you could feel the sugar crunching under your teeth (I used half brown, half normal granulated sugar). Next time I want to try for a more chewy texture and I read that this can be achieved by using golden syrup instead of sugar. What is a good ratio for replacing sugar in my recipe? I'm assuming that by adding syrup (= more liquid), I could be throwing off the balance between wet and dry ingredients. Also, should I use powdered sugar instead of granulated. Or maybe I just didn't cream my butter with sugar properly?

Best Answer

If you use golden syrup to make biscuits, they come out harder than they would with sugar, they don't come out chewy.

That's why most recipes for ginger nuts include syrup.

Corn syrup would give you the chewy texture you are seeking.