Baking – How to wash the potatoes before baking them


I bake Russet potatoes. I just washed them a little with cold water and then place them in a baking pan after I put foil on the bottom of the pan. I do not peel them. Is this a good method or should I wait until they dry?

Best Answer

For baking potatoes

  • Don't just wash them, scrub them. Otherwise you're eating dirt. No, that's not a joke. Potatoes grow in dirt, and are usually sold coated with dirt. Yes, really.
  • Either salt them and wrap them in tin-foil, or simply bake them on a bed of salt. Dessication of the skin is important.
  • You'll probably want to bake them longer and higher than most recipes say. I find 425F for 1 1/2 hours is optimal (and 2 hours is fine). That results in skin which is dry, crispy, and slightly caramelized, while this inside still is fluffy (albeit, according to some, overcooked).