Baking – Inside of the cookies turn up soft, almost uncooked


I don't know what temperatures I have to be using to bake cookies but I am following a European cookie recipe:

The problem is I searched for the same recipe and found out many different ones with almost the same ingredients but their baking instructions vary wildly from cooking for 35 mins at 150C to cooking for 15 mins at 200C.

I am not sure what temp I have to use so I used 380F for 25 mins (+5 min preheat) that barely made the outer layer firm enough. It's not very hard but definitely formed a cookie shell which would be enough.

The problem is the inside of the cookies are very soft, almost like pre-baking.

Lastly I use baking paper and put the cookies on top of the pizza stone as I thought it wouldn't hurt to leave it. I read that it helps regulate heat throughout the oven.

In any case this is the ingredients:

  • 350g sugar
  • 150g almond flour
  • 7 egg whites
  • almond extract

Best Answer

Don't use the pizza stone for cookies.

Stones absorb a ton of your oven's heat and will really mess up your baking times. They're designed to be preheated in your oven before you ever put a pizza (or other item) on them. I have never tried it before but you might be able to use the pizza stone if you preheated it but then you have to put your cookies on a hot surface which may cause them to misbehave in other ways.

Cookies should be baked on light-toned heavy-duty metal baking sheets (or as close as you can get to that) because the metal transfers the heat, it doesn't absorb it.

That's how you get well-baked cookies.