Baking Equipment – How to Use Stainless Steel in Oven Safely?


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Its stainless steel dish so can I put it in the oven at 250c/482f ?

Best Answer

When you ask "can I put it in the oven?" you're actually not asking a whole question. Can you put it in the oven? Of course you can. Will anything happen to it and your food that you don't like? Ah, that is the other half, right? What might happen?

  • the pan might warp (if it is thin)
  • the food might scorch or burn (again, more likely if the pan is thin)
  • the pan might stain (especially if there are areas of it that have only oil on them - for example if you're roasting a piece of meat)
  • the food might stick to the pan and not come out well

If the pan is thick, and not a lot of it will be empty and exposed, then it should be fine. Another thing to consider is how you're going to get it out again after cooking. I don't see any handles.