Baking – Not Getting a Creamy Result Beating Butter and Sugar? How to Fix Common Problems


I have this "weekend meyer lemon cake" recipe:

enter image description here

The problem I am facing while making the cake is that I don't get the creamy mixture, mixing sugar and butter. it's like bread crumbs right now, or something like that and sugar crystals are still visible and distinguishable. Should I go on by adding the eggs as the recipe calls for or should I wait for the butter to melt and try to beat the sugar and butter until creamy?

Best Answer

There may well be more than one issue here.

  1. The type of butter. If you're using what is sometimes sold as "cooking butter" then this has a much lower moisture content than normal butter, and so it is very difficult to get the sugar to dissolve enough to cream.

  2. Sugar choice. Granulated sugar is much more difficult to cream than than caster (superfine) sugar due to the large crystal size.

  3. Recipe proportions. It is more common to use roughly equal weights of butter and sugar when creaming them together; here there is more than twice as much sugar compared to butter, so I am not at all surprised that it is not ending up as a very creamy mixture.

As the aim of the beating process is to dissolve the sugar and to add air, adding one of the eggs and beating well would allow you to achieve both of these.