Baking Watermelon – Techniques and Tips for Baking Watermelon


A while back I saw an article/recipe for baking watermelon — the watermelon was cut into fillets and baked for a couple hours (IIRC). This was supposed to totally change the texture and give it an interesting and new taste/texture.

I cannot find the recipe now, and cannot find any other recipe similar to it.

This is not a recipe request, but rather a question about the technique: how would one go about baking watermelon (what temp/how long?) and what is the result? In what kinds of dishes would one use baked watermelon? Savory? Sweet?

(Note: I know this question is worded poorly and is slightly ambiguous. any help in rewording and working into a good SE question would be welcome!)

Best Answer

Here are a few references for cooked watermelon:

  1. (My blog) Herbivoracious, has a recent post showing how to sear and compress watermelon.
  2. Ideas In Food has a watermelon that is grilled, then cooked sous vide, and then scored and sauteed to resemble a duck breast.
  3. Modernist Cuisine has a recipe for watermelon bulgogi that involves a long dehydration

All of these methods produce quite a change in texture from raw watermelon.