Baking – What’s causing the metallic aftertaste in the Nutraloaf


Thanks to all of the wonderful help thus far, I've finally been able to make my Überfood. It's called "Nutraloaf", and is kind of like a meatloaf with a bunch of other stuff in it.

It has no real taste (not a problem) and the texture is a little mushy (I will try baking it longer in the oven), but the idea is I can simply eat this 3 times a day, every day, and not have to worry about making any other food.

However, one problem is that I'm getting a metallic aftertaste. I don't know if it's the ingredients, or the fact that I used a normal oven instead of a convection/steam oven.

This is the recipe I used.

2 oz Ground Beef
Brown off in kettle and drain thoroughly

4 oz Canned, Chopped Spinach
4 oz Canned Carrots, Diced
4 oz Vegetarian Beans
Open and drain all vegetables well

4 oz Applesauce
1 oz Tomato Paste
1/2 cup Potato Flakes
1 cup Bread Crumbs
2 oz Dry Milk Powder
1 tsp Garlic Powder or Flakes

Combine beef and vegetables. Gradually blend in remaining 
ingredients until well combined. Mixture should be stiff 
but moist enough to spread. Each loaf should weigh 1 1/2 
pounds precooked weight and be scaled to insure proper 
weight. Place mixture into a loaf pan that has been
sprayed with pan release and lined with filter paper.

Each loaf should bake at 300 degrees Fahrenheit in 
convection/steam oven for approximately 40 minutes or 
until the loaf reaches 155 degrees internal temperature.

It is a subtle aftertaste and it went away after I had a stick of Wrigley's gum. I would prefer to not have to chew Wrigley's after every meal, since I don't really like chewing gum. I'm sure a peppermint or buttermint would also help with the aftertaste, but would prefer to fix my nutraloaf recipe or cooking technique.

So how can I remove this metallic aftertaste? Or, where can I even begin looking for what's causing it?

Best Answer

You said that you drained your canned vegetables, but did you rinse them? Sometimes just dumping out the packing liquid isn't enough. I always rinse any beans that I get out of a can at least a few times.
If you wanted to add a little taste you might want to throw in some chopped cilantro. It packs a lot of flavor and overpowers a lot of tastes. Of course some people think it tastes like dirt. I like the idea of an Uberfood. That only puts us a few short steps away from getting all of our nutrition in pill form!