Baking – Which plastic wrap is okay for oven use


On television I have seen cooks use plastic wrap, then foil over a pan of food that is going to be baked. I can see how this would stop the chemical reaction between certain foods and the aluminum and possibly form a tighter seal on the pan.

How do I know which plastic wrap is okay to use in the oven i.e. won't melt all over my bakeware and/or food?

  • Do I look for a certain plastic formulation?
  • Will the packaging tell me a certain wrap is okay at typical oven baking temperatures (300°F-425°F)?

Best Answer

The plastic actually does not reach 300°F in the oven.

According to a forum post at Cheftalk, the dish beneath the plastic releases steam, which cools the saran wrap to 212° F, which is still below the melting point.

However, you should not just use saran wrap. Saran wrap easily shreds, and there are special foils for heating food which are usually refered to as reynolon. These are stronger and more resistant against releasing chemicals into the food. Check the forum thread above for more information.