Baking – Why are the cookies undercooked in commercial oven


I have recently started using a commercial kitchen to make chocolate chip cookies (and other similar types of cookies). The kitchen has a Blodgett double deck convection oven. The problem is even if the cookie looks done on the outside, the inside is undercooked and gooey. I am able to bake in my home oven on a convection setting at 325 degrees F. When I tested that in the commercial kitchen, the cookies were basically raw inside.
I've tried different temperatures all the way from 200 degrees to 325 and I still don't get cookies that are good in the middle. I'm not sure what to do at this point…should I let them cool for longer? The sheet is cool before I remove a cookie.

Best Answer

I think there are a couple things to troubleshoot here.

  1. Check that the oven is working. you can buy an in oven thermometer to verify that you are getting accurate readings. seems you have done this already.
  2. Could the oven be steam-injection? that could cause some problems with done-ness.
  3. Maybe some other part of your process is different now that you are working in an commercial kitchen. Note act 14 in this episode, small things you change can have huge ramifications (in this case not letting the meat rest for a short time lead to a drastic reduction in flavor and color).