Baking – Wood versus marble rolling pin ‘performance’


Is there any reason that a marble rolling pin would perform 'worse' than a wood rolling pin?

My roommates recently bought a visually appealing marble rolling pin; however, I've noticed a few problems, specifically that the marble doesn't seem to 'hold' flour and is thus much sticker when rolling. I can't tell if this is a problem with my approach or if marble rolling pins are known to have this issue.

Does anyone have any insight on this issue?

Best Answer

Yes, in my experience it is almost impossible to coat a marble rolling pin with flour. However, like flour many doughs tend to stick less to the very smooth surface, and because a marble rolling pin can stay colder for a longer time than a wooden one, some doughs get much less sticky, e.g. if they contain lots of butter.

If you have problems with dough sticking to your rolling pin, try dusting the dough with a thin layer of flour instead of the rolling pin.