Ballotine of Foie Gras – chop or not


I am in the process of making a ballotine of foie gras.

The liver has been cleaned of veins and is currently in 2 large pieces. It has been marinading in Sauternes / salt / pepper for the last 24 hours. Should I chop the Foie Gras, or leave it in larger pieces when I make my ballotines? To make the ballotines I will wrap in cling film, pierce air pockets etc. and then simmer in water at around 80C for 10 mins before refrigerating overnight for consumption tomorrow.

Best Answer

I looked at five recipes, none of them called for the foie gras to be chopped.

You have already cleaned the liver, and have a different method chosen to form the ballotines, but I really liked these instructional photos from The Renaissance Girl Cooks describing the method from The Squire (a restaurant with two Michelin stars), and thought that later users might find them helpful.






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