Beef – What are the chunks of connective tissue on soup bones? (And can I use them?)


I just finished making a beef broth stew with a big ol' soup bone. I left the random scraps of muscle and stuff attached to the bone while it cooked, and now I've fished out the non-muscle bits. They were white (or pale) and stretchy, and now that they're stewed they're more grey and gloppy.

So, what are they? I assume they're not fat (they would have melted) so they must be… tendons? Ligaments?

Are they edible? Palatable? Useful in some other cooking project?

Edit: Adding an "after" photo.

one of the chunks in question, after cooking

Best Answer

What ever it is, sounds like sinew or other hard tissue, it's done it's purpose now the flavour, sugars, geletine etc is now in your broth and you should probably discard them. I don't imagine they will taste of anything now and the texture is likely to be vile.

By all means taste a bit to see what I mean. It won't make you ill though you may possibly gag...