Best meat replacements for a vegetarian/vegan


Let's compile a list of vegetarian/vegan meat replacements.

Generic replacements:

Commercial fake meats:

Similar products (nutrition):

  • Beans
  • Mushrooms (Portobello, oyster, trumpet, so many more…)

Best Answer

Pardon my rampant vegerianism, but the trick is not to substitue meat at all.

I generally get my nutrition from other sources, without using meat substitutes at all. Unless I really feel like a certain recipe that I used to like back in my meat-eating days.

Use beans, lentils and whole grains for protein. Use nuts, seeds and avocadoes (or any other fatty fruits and vegetables) for B-vitamins. Use beans (again) and leafy greens for iron and calcium.

So, it turns out my answer is a bit Zen. Sorry.