Food Safety – How Long Will Biscuits with Egg and Butter Keep?


I have a biscuit/cookie recipe that involves egg and butter – after I bake the cookies how long will they keep, at room temperature in an air-tight container?

(edit: In the USA cookies are (sometimes?) made with egg, is that right? In which case I'm just asking how long cookies keep)

edit: If context helps: my daughter has epilepsy and is on a medically supervised ketogenic diet. What she eats has to be carefully made and carefully rationed. I'm making her a batch of biscuits based on this recipe and so I'm wondering how big a batch I can make in one go based on how long they will keep. I imagine all the ingredients are pretty long lasting except for the eggs and butter.

Best Answer

Basically once cooked and if stored in a dry container cookies will keep for a couple of weeks at room temperature and several months (perhaps a year) in the freezer.

The biggest problem with these cookies will be degradation of the fats in the almonds and butter resulting in rancid tastes - these are not dangerous, just unpleasant.

There are few risks with food safety regarding cooked cookies as the temperature of cooking is enough to kill all potential pathogens and typically lowers the water activity within the cookie to a point where few pathogens are capable of growing. It is hard to say what the exact water activity of your cookies will be, but I suspect fairly low.

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