Boiling peeled peanuts


Recently I became interested in making some boiled peanuts for myself, as I have gathered that it is a very cheap, tasty (I like peanuts) and healthy food. However, every recipe that I find involves peanuts in shells. And in my local stores I can only find the raw peanuts without the shell , I will have to spend more effort to get the plain uncooked peanuts with shell.

So, the question is – what is the recipe for boiling peanuts without the shell? (if this is even meaningful to cook them this way).

UPDATE Sorry english is not my native language, so I reworded the question to be clearer.

Best Answer

I have to admit that I have never heard of boiling shelled peanuts, but apparently it's not uncommon. From :

Quick Instructions

  • Get your main ingredient ready – 400 g shelled peanuts. Run them quickly through some water to remove dust and other particles.

  • Put your peanuts in a medium size pot and add your first 1 ltr of water. Add 1 tsp salt and partially cover your pot and bring to the boil. Add another 1 ltr of water when your initial water is finished.

  • After an average of 1 1/2 hrs (90min) your peanuts should be boiled and tender to enjoy. If not continue boiling until desired tenderness is achieved.

You may serve your snack and go work or play!


  • You do need raw peanuts.

  • Other sites use pretty much the same recipe (salt & water), but called for longer cooking time. Some said several hours. I would suggest tasting as you go along and adjust salt and cooking time to your liking.