Bread – How to (cheaply) grind wheat berries for home bread making


I've never made wheat flour before, though I bake bread regularly. I'm considering using my KitchenAid blender to grind my hard white wheat berries, but am worried I would harm the blender. I use about 7 cups of flour per week, so hand-milling might be too labor-intensive. Is there a good way I could try out homemade flour without investing in an expensive grinding device? If not, what grinding device is recommended for home use?

As a bonus, I'd like to use the device for occasionally grinding chicken feed…

Best Answer

You can get a carona mill for under $50. It looks like this:

enter image description here

But you are likely going to work pretty hard, and have to do plenty of sifting. I have one and it is fairly inconsistent, as the plates and mechanism are hard to dial in, and have a tendency to loosen. It is good enough to get you started with some experiments, though.