Bread – Is there really a tradition of some kind to eat white bread when it’s hot outside and dark bread when it’s cold


I've heard this more than once in my life:

This hot weather really is suited for white bread. In the winter, we can eat the dark bread again.

And variations of that.

Is that based on any kind of logic/tradition? Why exactly is white bread "more suited" for hot weather than dark bread? Why does the kind of bread matter? Is there something I'm missing?

I might actually agree that it somehow seems to fit better, but I can't explain why exactly.

Best Answer

Short answer: No. There does not appear to be any such tradition.

I got curious and googled around a bit, and couldn't find anything.

That, and being from a country that could easily get to -15c in winter and 25c in summer, so if anyone would have such a tradition, I think it might be us ;-)

Having said that, if OP knows of any places with such a tradition, it would be interesting to know...

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