Bread – make sourdough starter with raw potatoes


Looking at different websites I found sourdough starters using potatoes instead of wheat or rye. They all used cooked mashed potatoes.

I wonder if it is possible to just grate raw potatoes or other starchy vegetables and use them. I still have some self-made wheat sourdough starter at home. So I could mix a bit of that with my grated potatoes.

Has anybody here tried before?

Best Answer

Yes! I'm currently attending Le Cordon Bleu for Baking and Patisserie. I'm in the breads class right now, and my text book has a recipe for a potato sour with raw potato. Here..

8 oz Bread Flour 6.5 oz Warm Water .16 oz (1 tsp) Salt .16 oz (1 tsp) Sugar 1 Large Potato, peeled

  1. Mix together the flour, water, salt, and sugar into a smooth soft dough. Add potato.

  2. Place in sterilized bowl. Cover tightly with muslin or other clean fabric so the starter can breathe. Let rest in a warm place for up to 24 hours, until the mixture becomes frothy.

  3. Stir well and cover with plastic film. Leave to stand 2-3 days in a warm place, until the mixture becomes light and foamy. Stir thoroughly each day.

  4. Pour the fermented starter to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator for approximately 3 days, or until a clear liquid collects on top of the mixture. This indicates the mixture is ripened enough for use.Carefully pour all the liquid collected on the surface into a measuring jug, discarding the solid mixture that remains on the bottom. The weight of the liquid should be greater than the weight of the water used, because some of the flour will be poured off with the liquid.