Food Science Flatbread Pita – Why Pre-oiled Pita


I have started buying Kontos Pre-oiled Pita, and am super pleased with the product.

They taste great and also seem to last forever on the shelf.

.. but I have never heard of "oiling" pitas! Is this something that is done? I can not find any references out there for it on google.

Also, what do you think this oiling process is, and does it preserve the pita?

Best Answer

It is really common to brush a pita with some oil prior to heating for an extra crispy treat. We sort of do that at my house, except be coat the heating device (a frying pan) with oil instead of the pita itself.


Pre-oiled Greatness

Our pre-oiled breads are infused with extra virgin olive oil for flexibility and rich taste.

So pre-oiled pitas have more flexibility, so to be more convenient for wraps, and pre-oiled pitas have a richer flavor and crisp better when heated.