Buying whetstones


I'm looking to start sharpening my own knives (Wusthof's) what grit whetstone would I need to do so? Recommendations on any specific brand or is each whetstone is as good as any? I'm under the impression that to get a good finish, I'll going to need more than one grit and work up

Best Answer

What stones you get depend on the current condition of the knife and how regularly you plan on sharpening it. If you are bringing the edge back on a dull knife, you will need to start with a relatively coarse stone (say, 240 - 600) to start the edge off. If the knife is still in pretty good condition, you can use something like a 1200 once a week to maintain the edge. You can also look at a very fine stone for polishing, like a 3000-5000. You can then use a standard issue leather belt for stropping/honing.

I would recommend you practice on cheaper knives first (and I mean a considerable amount), because improper sharpening can ruin a knife in short order. If you curl the edge there is little that can be done to fix it short of grinding off a lot of steel.