Cake – Condensation between parchment paper and cake pan


I tried the following recipe for making Basque Burnt Cheesecake.

430g cream cheese, room temperature
120g caster sugar
3 large
eggs, room temp (approx 150g of eggs without shell)
270g heavy
cream/thickened cream (35% min fat content)
20g cake flour
1 tsp
vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon juice

Everything turned out great except that there was condensation between the parchment paper and cake pan. It got the bottom of cheesecake a little moist. Is there any way I could prevent this next time?

Best Answer

Assuming your cake came out well and not overly wet (though I appreciate this is a particularly moist cake/batter), I'm going to guess that this was just because of poor airflow when cooling.

Did you cool the whole pan on a wire rack as suggested? If not, that would be the first thing I tried to fix this. This could help the cake cool faster, allowing less opportunity for condensation.

But some other things to try could include:

  • Taking the cake out of the pan as soon as it's set enough to move, and letting it cool further on a wire rack. I appreciate part of this cake's appeal is how beautifully soft it looks though, so I imagine this may not be an easy thing to do!
  • If you baked in a springform pan, could you take the sides off the pan sooner to allow for better airflow?
  • The third thing is I wonder whether the double layer of baking paper is having an impact here? This may be hurting airflow even further and trapping more moisture.

Just some ideas! Besides a batter being too wet, poor airflow seemed to be the main culprit of condensation building up on the bottom of a cake that I could find, so seems like a good place to start troubleshooting. Good luck next time - the recipe looks delicious.