Cake – So much water in cake, how to fix


My mango chantilly cake has fallen, due to too much water inside the plastic storage. Now, assuming that I don't have an oven what are the practical workarounds that I can try to fix the cake?

So far this are the things that I did:

  1. Removed all the water, but still the cake is watery and not good looking.
  2. I tried to put it in a rice cooker then while trying to pre-heat the rice I put the cake in a steamer then put it in the rice cooker, but it's still damp/soggy.

Best Answer

If you have a stove: Put a pan on the stove and use low heat to "toast" your cake.
If you only have a rice cooker: The rice cooker is only for "wet-cooking" like cooking rice or steaming. I don't know whether toasting food in the rice cooker breaks the cooker. Therefore I don't know how to fix the cake then. :(