Cake – Why does waffle dough get dark


Always when I make waffles or pancakes the dough of it gets dark after a few hours. It looks like having black sprinkles.

Why is that and how long can I still use it?

The ingredients I use for waffles are:

  • 250g sugar
  • 250g margarine
  • 500g flour
  • 5 eggs
  • 500g milk
  • baking powder
  • a shot of rum

And for pancakes I use almost the same

  • sugar
  • flour
  • eggs
  • milk
  • baking powder


It will get darker – it is still pretty fresh.

Best Answer

This is strange. I've never made waffles before, but that pancake recipe is almost exactly the one I use, except for the baking powder. If it goes dark soon after preparing the mix, it is most likely a chemical reaction between two or more of the ingredients. It should still be perfectly safe to use, so don't worry about the discolouration. :)