Calculating homemade yogurt’s fat


I'm currently using a very "rich" whole milk with 3.8% fat. Out of one liter milk, I get 850cc yogurt (as some part of the water will evaporate throughout cooking.
The question is: how much fat will contain the yogurt?
A stupid calculation would be

3,8% divided by 1000cc = 0,38
3,8% divided by  850cc = 0,44

Is the math correct? Is this yogurt extremely fat?

Best Answer

This is the correct calculation. There is nothing going on in the yogurt to change its fat content. (You can't use a similarly easy calculation for carbohydrates, as the culture consumes some of them).

Your math is correct. Is it "extremely fat"? In yogurt-terms, not at all. I have regularly seen 10% yogurt from cow's milk; yogurts from other species can easily be fatter. So, compared to general yogurt numbers, it's just a normal yogurt.