Can a 300W kitchen aid do meat grinding


I have a kitchen aid artisan with 300W and have read conflicting opinions on what it can and can't do. Many seem to have a hard time using meat grinder and food processor attachments, because of the low power.
Is this the case, or does it simply take longer or require more prep (precutting the meat into smaller pieces for example)? What kind of meat would it have problems with? Why would it have issues with a food processor, which only cuts relatively soft vegatables?

Best Answer

Kitchenaid mixers can grind meat, I know because I have one with the meat grinder attachment and I've used it do just that, as well as make sausages. The problem is one of expectation: it is not the biggest or the fastest meat grinder, if you are going to grind meat often and in large quantities a purpose built one is a better choice for you as it will be faster. However, if you don't need to grind often the kitchenaid one is a compact, effective and relatively cheap solution. It helps to cut the meat into manageable chunks that will fit down the throat.