Cheese – How to Eat This Kind of Cheese


I have seen so many of these cheeses but I don't know how to cook or eat them.

I am new to Europe, and have never seen this in my country of origin before.

Could you tell me how to cook the cheeses? Is it just a matter of cutting and eating?

enter image description here

By looking around, it sounds like this is called Gouda Cheese (but I am not sure)

Best Answer

Most cured wheel cheeses are great on their own--slice and eat. That being said, at least where I'm from we usually slice them, then put them on bread (on Pa amb tomàquet, to be precise), and often pair them with sliced cold-cut/smoked meats. Generally, the "drier" the cheese, the more it needs to be paired with bread/meat, while sweeter/spongier cured cheeses are fine on their own.