Chicken – Apple Cider is too sweet for gravy


Hey. I'm in Vermont. We have lots of apple ciders and lots of amazing apples (let me recommend this year's lady apples…bet on 2010 Cider! )

I've been roasting local chickens, and then deglasing with apple cider, but the cider is too sweet. Any suggestions for how to keep the cider, but make the dish more palatteable. Thanks.

Best Answer

You can cut the apple cider with some apple cider vinegar. Adding a couple tablespoons of cider vinegar to 1 cup of apple cider should do the trick.

You can also add a bit of mustard seed, whole or ground to give it some heat that can help combat the sweetness. I wouldn't add more than a pinch of ground mustard or a half tsp of whole seeds.

I use this exact glaze on pork roasts all the time, but I've never tried it on chicken. Let me know how it is.