Chicken – How to safely re-heat a chicken pie without burning the crust


Last night I made a chicken pie with ham, cheese and other awesomeness inside. However, I'm worried about re-heating it safely for consumption. I estimate there are two servings (so today's and tomorrow's worth) left.

Last time I tried to re-heat a pie in the oven, even with foil over it, the crust burned and the insides of the pie were still only lukewarm after 10 minutes plus.

My questions:

  • Is it safe to re-heat the pie considering it contains already cooked and cooled chicken? The pie was placed into the fridge about 10-15 minutes after cooking.
  • Can I do this twice for tonight and tomorrow?
  • How do I avoid burning the crust whilst ensuring the middle of the pie is properly heated?

Best Answer

Foil is the way to go, combined with not too fierce a heat. You want to cook at about 160°C (320°F) until the centre of the pie is piping hot. To lower the chances of burning, portion the pie prior to reheating. That way the centre will get hot more quickly.

Reheating more than once is generally not a good idea for safety reasons. You can however portion one night's pie and keep the other in the fridge.