Indian Curry – Why Chicken Texture Breaks After Precooking


Sometimes when pre-cooking chicken for a curry week, the chicken cuts doesn't keep its shape. It starts to get a bit stringy and losing the "smooth" shape that it was cut with, what could I be doing wrong, given that my favourite indian restaurants always have the chicken in a nice shape?

p.s: I'm confident this is down to method, as I have had this before, but it was a one off, anyway.

Best Answer

This doesn't always happen - it could be anything but most likely is the amount of time and water used. Not to mention the ingredients as certain ingredients can destroy meat.

Try any of these options:

  1. At the very beginning when frying your spices and/or onions, fry the chicken pieces and then take them out so they're sealed. Add water to the pan and whatever else you're using and bring the water down until it's like gravy. Put the chicken pieces back in - cover on low heat for ten minutes. Stir, then cover for a further ten minutes.

  2. If you don't want to do something fidly, try to use a wide pan and put only enough water to just cover the chicken - cover for twenty minutes then uncover and cook until it looks yummy.