Food Safety – Buying chocolate transfer sheet safely


I've just found my new-found love for making chocolate cups. And on one of the videos of how to make chocolate cups, the lady used a chocolate transfer sheet to get a really pretty chocolate cup, which she then filled with some mousse.

I wanted to buy some chocolate transfer sheets myself and started to look on ebay and found a lot of very beautiful sheets at very good prices. Before I go ahead and buy them, my question really is if they are safe to use (health-wise) and if I need to be aware of any issues with them, for example, should I only buy brown ones and avoid any that use colours.

Here are some pictures of them.

Chocolate transfer sheet 1 Chocolate transfer sheet 2 Chocolate transfer sheet 3 Chocolate transfer sheet 4

Best Answer

Yes, they are safe for three reasons:

  1. They are approved by the food safety organizations.
  2. You work the chocolate at a very low temperature.
  3. You transfer the chocolate very rapidly.

Even with 'unsafe' plastic, nothing bad would happen.