Chocolate – Can anyone identify this chocolate


A recent date left this for me to find…a surprise gift, how sweet! I'd love to know just how sweet 🙂

It's 1 3/8 inches, 3.5 cm thick. The larger piece weighs 143 grams or 5 ounces.

It tastes pretty good (but I am definitely no connoisseur) and it's certainly in the semi-sweet/bittersweet range.

I just discovered one more possible hint, WinCo Foods sells chocolate block pieces in their bulk food section, there are WinCos in my date's home state of Idaho. They carry both what they call dark chocolate and bittersweet chocolate.

Chocolate picture 1

chocolate picture 2

chocolate picture 3

chocolate picture 4

Best Answer

This Chocolate is Van-Leer semi sweet. It was an old American chocolate manufacturer that was recently purchased by Callebaut. It does have a distinct slab style. This is available in the bulk section at Winco.

Here's a picture:

chocolate bar

You can also order it online here