Chocolate – How to make chocolate cups with swirls


Can someone please help me with tips to make chocolate cups with swirly designs. Something like this. I've tried painting the inside of a cup with white chocolate first and letting it set. Once set, I tried painting it with dark chocolate. But somehow, they end up getting mixed and it just comes up as a normal dark chocolate cup.

Chocolate cups

Best Answer

You can try to make chocolate cups in general by "painting" a small dish/cup with chocolate, and letting it set in the fridge. If you want tempered chocolate, there are techniques for that.

But in any case, you've got to consider that different chocolates have different heating/cooling rates, so mixing chocolates with different fat contents (like milk vs dark), or from different manufacturers will (pardon the pun) fudge your calculations a bit as far as how hot/cool the chocolate needs to be. And white chocolate is an entirely different beast, so it has its own melting/setting points to consider as well.