Chocolate – Is chocolate that was in contact with moldy vegetables safe to eat after washing


If a small part of a piece chocolate was in contact with some moldy vegetables leaves for a day, will the chocolate be safe to eat after washing it with water? The chocolate bar itself didn't have any mold on it.

Best Answer

My personal opinion: I don't think you would be at risk for any health issues beyond potentially throwing up the chocolate after you eat it.

I once bought something from a local gas/market and was eating it before I realized that it was moldy. Promptly got sick. I'm not sure if getting sick was caused from actually eating it, or because I saw the mold. Either way, my body responded in a natural way. And I think you would (also) throw up if the chocolate bar was truly bad. I'm not sure that the conditions you describe would put you in any serious risk... but I really can't say (not there, can't see it, examine it, etc.) The important thing is, what do you think? If you really think it would make you sick, throw it away.

I am sorry to hear that you have so many health concerns. Going online to try and make sense of this pain, or that ache would give most healthy people a reason to worry. But some of the conditions you have "self-diagnosed" are serious health concerns. Please take the initiative to see a health care professional and find out for sure if you do (or do not) have health issues that would require medication. There is no reason to panic over things you "might have", better to find out from a doctor and then decide how to deal with it.