Food Safety – Testing for Bloom or Spoilage in Whitish Chocolate


My friend (who lives in a warm, humid climate) often has issues with chocolate, due to the formation of a light-colored coating on it. I believe it is just chocolate bloom, but she thinks it's mold and should trash the chocolate. Visual inspection alone does not seem sufficiently precise to identify which of these has happened.

Is there a reliable way to test which one is the case? i.e., re-heating it, or trying to remove the coating with a knife, or some other technique which does not require using a microscope?

Best Answer

It is is almost impossible for chocolate to mold as it doesn't have any moisture, required for mold growth.

There are two types of bloom:

Sugar bloom -- wipe the chocolate with a wet finger, it will dissolve.

Fat bloom -- wipe the chococolate with a dry finger, it will feel waxy or greasy

Either tends to look like a chalky coating, not very thick, definitely not fuzzy (like mold).