Chocolate Soufflé – Expected Results and Tips


Should chocolate soufflés in their entirety have the same texture and solidity as its somewhat firm outer shell through out its body(excuse my redundancy)?

I made soufflés for my girlfriend and I and she noted there were creamy parts and suggested that they might be raw.

I bake them at 390 degrees for 14 minutes using 7oz of chocolate melted with 6 large egg yolks, and 5 tbs of butter and a pinch of salt.

I wanna make them for us again for valentines day and was wondering if I should change up the procedure.

Best Answer

A chocolate souffle should be warm and gooey in the middle, if it is solid throughout it has been cooked too long. It sounds like you have it right, I wouldn't change it. If you want to prove it to her do a google image search on chocolate souffle, you'll see what the result should look like.