Coffee – Emergency Coffee via Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans


I am out of coffee, both whole beans and ground. However I've got a back of chocolate covered coffee beans.
Possible solution:
Toss the choco covered beans in my grinder and then put them in my drip-brewer… Is this a terrible idea? I don't imagine it would damage anything, since I would have a paper filter in there, but maybe there would be too much chocolate for the coffee to actually brew. Is there any reason to not attempt it the name of science if nothing else?

Best Answer

It probably would not damage anything, but you would end up with rather a mess to clean up, probably, and not a very good product.

The chocolate would melt slowly, maybe clog the filter. It might overflow hot, sticky coffee chocolate liquid all over.

The candy is also probably old enough since it was roasted that it wouldn't brew excellent coffee, even if it wasn't chocolate coated.

Eat them as candy--you will at least get your caffeine fix that way! You will have energy to go out and get some coffee.