Coffee – Grind coffee with a blade grinder for a moka pot


I'm thinking about buying a moka pot.

I have a blade grinder.

Will a blade grinder grind coffee beans fine enough for a moka pot?

I can't really afford an expensive grinder and I don't want to use pre-ground coffee, because I heard it loses quality quickly.

Best Answer

Yes, you can, as long as it's a decent quality blade grinder. It's how I fill my moka pot, which I've been using 5 days a week for the last 4 years.

You can't do actual espresso in a blade grinder (it's not possible to get the grind consistent and fine enough). But moka pots are a lot more flexible in the grind of coffee that they will accept. Just grind it almost as fine as you can -- this takes about 30-40 seconds of grinding in mine -- and put it in the basket.