Coffee – Hot drink shaker


I make hot coffee drinks at home (espresso, 1/2&1/2, sugar). I'd like to shake them rather than stir. Is there such a thing as a shaker which can endure the pressure of a shaken hot drink? I imagine something like the bomb calorimeters we used in college – an insulated metal container with a tightly threaded lid. Preferably for a single serving. Does any such thing exist?

Now… why do I do this? I've had limited success with screw top glass jars. Shaking the coffee and 1/2&1/2 introduces a lot of air into the drink giving it a milk-shake consistency. I can do with with only 15ml of milk rather than the Starbucks style "all milk, shot of coffee". A shaken hot coffee with milk produces a thick beverage that's 95% coffee and only a dash of milk.

Best Answer

Not too sure about an appropriate container for shaking, because as you noticed shaking heats the air in the container which in turn expands, leading to all kinds of pressure problems.

My alternative suggestion: Have you considered an immersion blender? Some of these come with metal disks that can be substituted for the cutting blades. With sufficient power, you can even whip very cold low / non fat milk into whipped cream -like consitency. Should work for thickening your coffe as well.

(The process of whipping milk is described for example here.)