Coffee – How to Properly Serve Viennese Coffee


Is there a proper way Viennese coffee should be taken? What is the little spoon for? When/how should the sparkling lime water be taken? etc.

A video would be helpful.

Was just introduced to the a Viennese coffee shop, and there was some confusion between the people explaining this.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Based on your picture, you're asking about Weiner Melange coffee in Vienna, a serving of half espresso coffee and half milk foam. That's instead of American "Viennese Coffee", made with whip cream and cinnamon. Assuming that's correct:

  • The spoon is intended for mixing the milk foam and coffee. You may wish to add sugar as well.
  • The sparkling water is a chaser to clear your palate.

The above is based on personal tourist experience and some internet research. Some links: