Coffee – Is this coffee ratio calculation correct


On the Folgers website, it has a calculator. Place the number of 'cups' of coffee you desire and it tells you how much coffee to use and how much water to use. I put 8 cups, and it gives the following. 'For 8 servings of coffee use 8 tablespoons of ground coffee and 6 cups of water.' What?!?!?! is this 6 eight ounce cups for 8 six ounce cups of coffee?

Best Answer

Yes. Strangely, a standard "cup" of coffee (at least in the US) is 6 ounces (177ml). That's especially weird since most of us drink huge mugs. Go figure. So according to Folgers, to make 8 "servings" (48 ounces, 1.4 liters) you should use 8 tablespoons of coffee (42 grams) and 6 cups (48 ounces, 1.4 liters) of water. See also: Is a "cup" on a coffee maker always 6 oz? Is this a standard in the US?