Coffee – Proper grind and measurement for a pour over coffee maker


I've seen different sets of instructions from different sources, and experimentation has had mixed results.

Right now I have about a level scoop of coffee for every 4 ounces of coffee and this results in a fairly good-tasting brew for a medium grind, but the strength leaves something to be desired. When I have a finer grind for anything larger than a six-ounce cup, the coffee clogs, even when following suggestions to stir the mixture while I pour. I have a "single-cup" pour over coffee maker.

Should I be using a different grind, different measurements, only pour up to six ounces at a time, or some combination?

Best Answer

To me, the best thing about the pour-over method is that you can experiment without wasting much.

A few more details about your equipment would help. How big is your "level scoop," what shape are your filters and are you using paper filters? I make mine with a simple plastic #2 cone filter holder and paper filters and don't have any issues with clogging with about 2 Tbsp of beans.

Are you using a proper grinder or one of the whirling blade style? The blade-type can do a decent fine grind, but you can't get a consistent medium or coarse grind unless you have a burr grinder.

Even a fairly cheap kitchen scale should be good enough to get a consistent amount of coffee, I'd start with 2 Tbsp (~ 10g) of beans for 6oz of water and adjust from there. Try more beans and see if a coarser grind gets rid of your clogging problem.

In general, a very fine grind combined with the extraction time you typically get in a pour-over will give you a bitter flavour. With the beans I've been buying recently, I use a fairly fine grind, but not as fine as I'd use for Espresso. Manufacturers of paper filters claim that they trap sediment which reduces bitterness.